Study: Women And People Of Color Are Underrepresented In Mass. Business Groups

wbur Bostonomix
By Zeninjor Enwemeka
March 13, 2019

Women and people of color make up more than half of Massachusetts’ population, but are hardly represented at the top of the state’s most influential business groups, a new report finds.

Only 28 percent of CEOs in these organizations are women and just 4 percent are people of color, according to a study by the Eos Foundation. The private philanthropic foundation said the survey is the first of its kind in Massachusetts.

The study looked at 25 prominent business advocacy organizations, including the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, Associated Industries of Massachusetts and the Pioneer Institute. It found a lack of women and people of color across all leadership categories. Among board chairs, the study found just 18 percent are women and 14 percent are people of color.

The study, done in partnership with the Boston Business Journal, is part of the Eos Foundation’s “Women’s Power Gap” initiative aimed at increasing the number of women leaders in the state.

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